Lost between my emotions

I have been with my husband for almost 6 years. We have been married for just over a year. In 2018 we split for 4 months but ended up getting back together we were not married then. In 2016 we were granted guardianship of his nieces. In December 2019 we welcomed our first biological son. Our relationship has really never been stable. He can be verbally and emotionally/mentally abusive. I feel like I give him a lot of leeway for his actions because I just want my family to stay together. The past two months things have been hell. Like one minute we’re fine and the next it’s works war three. I am not sure if I even love him anymore because things have just been so rocky. We have been throwing around the word divorce but every time I build up the courage to tell him I’m really leaving he convinces me that I’m just freaking out over the little things and keeping out family together is more important. I of course don’t want my kids to grow up in a broken family but I also don’t want to stay with someone who never makes me feel special. We never go out on date nights. We never have just time for him and I. And we literally fight over the stupidest stuff.