Fiancé took the engagement ring back


Over the last several months, between him being laid off, lack of time together, my excessive commute each way to work...things have been a bit of a challenge overall. The stresses have created more arguments than I can honestly handle. Amidst an argument a few months ago, he took the engagement ring back that he bought me and said he was going to sell it. Since then, I’ve taken it back but he’s taken it from me again. I’ve given it back too and so it’s turned into a toxic cycle. Needing to sell it is one thing if we’d agreed to that as partners; but taking it back or ripping it from my hand after a heated argument is crippling some days. He justifies it by saying “we need money for x,y,z” and I don’t disagree. But the reason he’s taken it off to begin with stems from anger and spite; not a genuine intent. Because of that, I refuse to put it back on or any other ring for that matter...after the 5th time that is. Because why rip something away after a fight, let alone 5 times? It just makes me question his reason for buying it to begin with. He says it was a “backup plan” but that is so unfair and every time he takes it and threatens to sell it, it’s done in hate. For that, when he tries to justify why later, it doesn’t matter; because if there was any integrity in his reasoning then he wouldn’t have to peel it from my hand to begin with. I’d simply say “hey babe...I know we are going through financially hard times and I’d much rather wear your moms ring than this because I love you 10x more. So let’s sell it so we can make 6 months rent.” Sadly, it has created a lot of issues. We picked out the diamond together and he had it custom mounted before he the finished product was quite a surprise. What’s sad though is that I wore his moms ring for almost a year. It was a CZ but ironically enough, it fit me perfectly (a size 5.5 at that!) We were so happy and yes this ring that’s ripped holes in us cost over 15k. I could care less about the financial value because so many things in this life hold value to me. Although it’s an absolutely stunning ring, that is all that it is now. But again this morning, he said he’s selling it and if I have a problem with it then too bad. Well selling it isn’t the issue...why he took it and how’s being justified after the fact is, indeed, the issue. Am I crazy for doubting his intent?