Mealtime struggles/tantrums


Posting in case anyone else has been or is in a similar position - or if anyone offer any advice or suggestions because I’m feeling so frustrated 😩

My daughter did BLW, she’s always sat in the high chair at the table with us and never really put up much resistance before at meal times. I wouldn’t say she’s always been an amazing eater but she gives most things a try so I can’t ask for anything more of her in that respect.

The last 2 weeks meal times have become a HUGE struggle. She has a full blown tantrum/melt down and throws (not drops, angrily throws) her food everywhere in the process.

I try not to react to it but its getting to a point where she’s barely eating her evening meals now. I don’t think it’s teething because as soon as she’s cleaned up and out of the chair she’s fine.

I half think it’s resistance to being in the high chair but she does amazing with breakfast (and lunch at the weekends) it’s always just our evening meal 🤯 we try to calmly talk her through the tantrum and just try and keep her sitting for as long as it takes me and my partner to eat (so usually 10-15 mins). I want to persevere with the high chair because I don’t think she’s ready to sit at a table and eat normally yet.

We’ve tried an earlier dinner, offering smaller portions of food, an open cup to distract her attention etc we always sit and eat as a family and try not to make too much fuss over what she does and doesn’t eat. But the tantrums (and high volume that comes with them!) are really starting to grate on me and I can’t work out why they’ve become such a big thing?

Any thoughts? 😫