Ugh idek

Ugh idek if I'm over reacting as I am pregnant and my hormones thru the roof

My partner and I both play fortnite him more than me and he has started playing with one his mates who is a girl but is a Tom boy and i have never cared about this person before my partner is friends with this girl i am not threatened by her at all as i know he would never do anything with her or anyone else. I have jammed with her too and we message each other and we have hanged out with her and her now ex (who still live with each other)

They jam almost everyday .. but it starting to bug me. But then again almost everything he does bugs me lately lol.

He the type of person who hates when I explain how I feel Cuz I cant explain it without going mad and acting psycho.

I also stopped takin my anxiety and depression pills as they made me chronically I'll with morning sickness and should prob go back on them.

Helppppp I know it's the hormones but it drivin me crazy lol