Husbands pee REEKS!!!

Back in September my husband went on the Keto diet. After about one month in I noticed his urine smelled like burnt hair

(The reason why I can smell his pee is because he never flushed the damn toilet after peeing 🤦‍♀️ )

At that time I told him this and he stated it was probably because he was in ketosis and he would try to be better about flushing.

He never got better at it. AND when he ended Keto in November his pee still smelled like burnt hair!! I thought maybe it would take a month to wear off.... well here it is January and his urine still reeks!! It truly makes me gag. The entire bathroom smells like it and the smell lingers for a while even after he flushes.

He says he can’t smell it and refuses to see a doctor about it because he has no other symptoms.

Is this normal? Anyone know what could cause this smell? Or is it me?! Am I all of a sudden hypersensitive to smells? ( I am not pregnant)

Edit: he stopped the keto diet in November. He has been eating carbs since. So that’s what is confusing me. I kept calling it Keto pee, but it’s been three months since he stopped and it still smells awful

And as far as the color of his pee, the color doesn’t change the smell or the intensity of the smell. Some days his pee is deep yellow and smells, other days his pee is pretty clear and it still smells to high heaven!