Very upset with my parents

I'm posting this anonymous because idk who would be seeing this and it's serious, but I need to get this out. It's been 2 days since my 18th birthday and I just found out something that is changing my life. My parents sat me down on my birthday and my mom was crying and she said she had something to tell me. They told me they are undocumented... And I am too.. I knew my family is originally from El Salvador, but I thought my family was legal. I though I was legal. They had planned on leaving when she was pregnant with me because of the intense violence and they wanted a better life for me, but I ended up coming early. My whole life I thought I was American and now I'm hearing I'm illegal. I was so pisses off, I yelled at them and told them they are liars and said I never wanted to see them again. I packed up my stuff and left for a friend's house. It's been a couple says since I spoke to them and they have been calling me and my mom has left voice-mail crying. I've calmed down now. I just don't know what my next step is. I know my parents never meant to hurt me, and I know they love me. This is just so hard to take in..