He gave me a panic attack

The other day I was driving with my boyfriend. It was the day after we got into a semi-conflict. And I said that I don’t like when he yells at me. I say yell even if he talks because is confrontational and it’s just what I’ve always said. But he said “I didn’t yell” and I said “ kn-“ before he yelled “I didn’t yell” as a joke. He knows my past and how I grew up and a few things that have happened to me. One of those things being that I was yelled at and beat one time. But for some reason it’s always been a problem since then. If someone yells at me, I panic. And that’s what I did. I felt my eyes water up. I was driving. I managed about 30 seconds and then it all came out. Shaking, no breathing, couldn’t see. I said “I can’t drive”. And so he grabbed the wheel. And I eventually had enough brains to stop the car and put it in park. And he just looked at me. Because I held it in so long he didn’t know why I was crying. I couldn’t breathe enough to talk so all he did was stare at me. Then eventually I gathered myself and told him that he just scared me really bad. So we changed spots and he drove. But about 5 minutes later he said “that’s ptsd” so I looked at him. And he said “like veterans get, it’s a body’s natural reaction.” And I couldn’t talk so I just looked at him. He then said “if that was actually your reaction to being yelled at that is the definition of ptsd” but I don’t believe him. I need another opinion and I don’t want to ask anyone but people I can hide from behind a screen. What do you think? Do I have ptsd? Or am I just over sensitive?