Darkening c-section scar??

Halldóra 🧒🏼🌈

Suddenly 50% of my c section scar from last birth 3 y ago is darker!

Is this something I should worry about?

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Posted at
Omg this happened to me this week too! My left side has always been more bumpy and it suddenly popped more and darkened this week! Definitely going to ask my midwife but it’s probably due to scar adhesions breaking up with belly growth


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Scars get darker during pregnancy. Not abnormal. Just have your OB take a peak next visit for reassurance.


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I would imagine it’s from the hormones?


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I had mine 3 years ago as well and it’s never gotten darker but I wouldn’t worry about it. I have another one march 25th. You can always ask your doctor or midwife at your next appointment


Tiffany • Jan 31, 2021
I just looked cause it’s so hard to see due to it being so small and my belly getting bigger and I looks like the scar is a little darker could be to the belly stretching but like I said nothing I would be worried about


Posted at
I’ve been using the same oil/lotion combo on my scar as I have my belly for stretch marks, and my scar hasn’t changed texture or color. May just be a coincidence, but couldn’t hurt if you’re not doing anything special for the scar.