My husband is a jerk

It happens to a lot of people. You fall in love, and the romantic phase can blind you to your partner's imperfections. Unfortunately, later you may realize that your spouse is really a jerk.

Yup. This is my case. We 7 years in and 3 kids later. He wasn’t always this way. Even the first year of marriage was all rainbows. But after the third child in 2018... we really hit on hard time. He can’t seem to come to an agreement on anything. Like for example. We recently bought a new house and he just insulted me the entire time. Saying stuff like “you ain’t doing shit” “why you ain’t doing this right?” And little jabs here and there. Knowing dam well that I can’t lift heavy objects anymore from the surgery I had from the last baby and back issues that came along with it. He does this when he is frustrated from doing too much or always projecting his anger to anyone. Even his friend be like “chill bro. We trying to help” to get him to calm down or take break but he pushes himself and everyone around him. Then he get mad when I don’t wanna sleep him and say rude things like “who you been with” or “this why guys cheat”... he just so dam mean to the point to where I really don’t love him like I used to anymore. Like I will always love him cuz he the father to my kids but not romantically.... I even tried to talk to him about it and he said “well this me. You know how I am when I get upset or frustrated. I’m a jerk”. But I’m like that’s your reason and I’m just supposed to deal with it? Idk 😐 I’m just tired