Should she have asked?

My husband has a son (6) from a previous relationship. They share custody, she wants to take him to Florida in April. For a full 7 days. She said "hey btw I'm planning a vacation to Florida in April for 7 days. I'm taking (son)." She is literally going to keep him on our days. Like yes of course we want him to go! But she didn't even ask if she could have him on our days. My ex just asked me last week if my son could go on vacation with him in May bc it would be on my days.

My husband got mad at me bc I said "did she even ask if she could take him on your days?" I wasn't being mean or rude, I just think as a co parent she shouldn't just expect it. We have to ask if we want him on another day and it's always a hassle with her.🙄 We couldn't even take him to my family's Christmas bc she wanted him back before 12pm Christmas day "because I just feel like Christmas at home with his mother and 2 brothers is more important."

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