I swear i'm fed up! I cry everytime and i get angry then hate myself for being an awful mom. Since the day my son was born he neverrrr slept peacefully, we struggled from day one.

He is one years old now and we still struggle, this is our first child and i dont know what to do. I want to try the cry out method but am scared. Any alternatives ?

Yes we asked his Dr. and he said its just the way he is nothing serious to worry about buy i also dont want to live this way, its getting harder an harder... i want to slowly wean him from night feeds but he wakes up when i dont give him his formula and it gets crazy all over again.

I wanted to wean himwhen he was 7 months old but then felt guilty since he doesnt eat anything besides his milk, he only tastes things but never eat. He even forces himself to gag and sticks out his toungue just to not swallow the food.. so i just gAve uppp.

Please any encouraging and kind words would help, i am sleep deprived for 1 year and cant take it anymore.