Birth Center Water Birth 37w3
2/5 was Lawson’s estimated Due Date
I still can’t believe I’m a momma! With the hospital protocols & needing my Mom present for Labor & delivery I decided against a hospital, and started prepping mentally/physically for an unmedicated birth center birth under the care of midwives! Best decision we could have made.
Here’s our quick version of his entrance 3 weeks early!
#positivebirthstory for Lawson Scott, unmedicated water birth at Origins Birth & Wellness Center:
I started leaking fluid on 1/14! I was in denial it was amniotic fluid until we went into Origins to confirm on Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon through Sunday we were doing ALL THE THINGS to naturally induce labor!
(Castor Oil, master gland supplements, homeopathic trio, Labor tincture, miles Circuit, birthing ball, curb walking)
I was feeling crampy on Saturday and Sunday, but I didn’t feel like I was in labor. It wasn’t until AFTER the membrane sweep Sunday at 7pm (4cm dilated & 90% effaced) when I actually felt like labor was starting!
So the plan after the sweep was to go home, eat and take Tylenol pm, rest, then go back to the birthing center at midnight for a little slumber party because we had to be in Active Labor by 10am the next day.
As we were resting at home, 9:17pm contractions started FULL ON! We were back at Origins by 11:30pm. We laid on the bed in the birthing suite for about 30min, breathing through contractions and resting between. Quickly learned I was at a 10. Then moved to the tub, breathing, pushing, sleeping between contractions. ((I was literally snoring between contractions - don’t ask me how!))
I “pushed” on and off for about an hour.
With the best support team present, at 2:02am Monday morning 1/18/21, Ryan got to catch our son and bring him into my arms 💙


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