Weird Loss...Twice

Rachel • ~RL

In the last year I have had 2 miscarriages. But both times I didnt even get a BFP until after I had a normal period. To make this more understandable...

*We track my ovulation and BD when were supposed to.

*I start testing at 9DPO and test every morning until AF starts, getting negatives.

*I have a normal flow 5 day period.

*I felt like poo for a whole week so I took another test and got a BFP.

* Then the next month my AF starts again, I go to the ER, they tell me I lost the baby.

This exact thing has happened twice now.(last December and this January) The doctor agrees with me that it is weird but she still wasnt concerned and didnt feel the need to look into it (or me) further... Has anyone experienced anything like this? I feel like it's more than a coincidence.