Will my Vag ever be normal again??

8 months postpartum, I only had a small tear that required 2 stitches. I’m gonna try to explain this the best way I know how since pictures of lady bits aren’t allowed. Sex is still pretty painful for me. I’ve noticed my urethra area is more sensitive (it doesn’t hurt to pee, etc so it’s not a UTI, just an increase of sensitivity)

When I look down there you can’t even see my vaginal opening- like there’s no hole because of what looks like swelling and extra flaps of skin. I know my body will never go exactly back to normal but I still feel that this isn’t normal. I’ve been to the doctor recently for an exam and they didn’t say anything was wrong besides a little scar tissue area that was mild anyway.

I want my body to somewhat go back to normal and for sex to actually not hurt🥺😩