Help understanding AMH and hormone results please

Courtney • TTC #2 as of January, 2021; daughter born April, 2019. 👶🏼♥️

So got my results from the lab today but my doctor can’t schedule me for a call until the 18th. I’ve read up a bit online but any experience or insight would be greatly appreciated. I’m 36 later this month and cycles have started lengthening to 35+ days and I’m also not having the usual ovulation symptoms like sticky discharge with big libido boost. Period was due today (day 35) according to <a href="">period tracker</a>. Blood test confirmed not pregnant.

Results were:

AMH of 2.03 ng/ml or 14.5 pmol/l for my other Canadian gals

FSH 3.4 iu/l

LH 10.5 iu/l

Prolactin 14.5 ug/l

Anyone else have similar circumstance or results? Any advice appreciated!