


Is anyone all the sudden have gas? I’m 38 weeks and 5 days and oh goshhh, I have trapped gas and it so pain with Braxton Hicks. I read that today and I guess that is what I’m going through. Cant wait to be done. So uncomfortable and painful.

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Posted at
Ugh I’m going through this too today... I’ve been having cramping and pressure and that feeling like you have to go number two but really can’t. Hope it’s early labor! Lol I’m 39+4


Brittany • Feb 15, 2021
Turns out it was early labor, I had my little babe Valentine’s Day!


🌹S • Feb 14, 2021
I’m 39 weeks today. Try taking a warm bath with lavender oil. I did that yesterday and gosh it was such a relief.


Posted at
I’m in the same situation I’m 38+1 but yesterday and today have been terrible an last night was by far the worst with the cramping and feeling like I needed to use the restroom but just gassy.


🌹S • Feb 13, 2021
Yes same here. It’s so painful.