Can someone help me?

Is it possible to get a lighter period than normal and be pregnant?

Usually my flow is HEAVY HEAVY, and I feel it come out, but I don’t feel it, only comes out when I pee, hardly any cramping and usually it’s so bad I need to be in the turtle position or use a heating pad, but I haven’t had to do that.

I don’t fill up a pad at all...

It comes out dark in the toilet, like clots, but when I wipe it’s like red and then fades to orange...

My breasts are achy and I never feel that way during my period. I have a headache, I’m dizzy, and I feel nauseous, all symptoms I never have with my period and I know my body best... can someone please tell me if you can have this happen and be pregnant? I had a chemical pregnancy in November, miscarried and I’m worried it’s happening again.....