I am soooo happy now...best decision ever

So my ex and I were together for 3 years and engaged before he got incarcerated for over a decade. During the 3 years prior to his incarceration we had a child together. That’s now our handsome teenager. Fast forward, I stayed down with him for 9 and a half years, faithful, visits, commissary, etc. Going into the 10 year I felt like I was left so far behind on life because my weekdays I was involved with work and our sons extracurricular activities. Weekends was visits at the prison-every weekend. My grandmother died and I ran into an old person from high school at her funeral. We went to two different schools but we’re in the same grade back then. We exchanged numbers, started hanging out and I realized I hadn’t been living but existing in this life of being with someone locked up. I quit talking to my sons dad and started dating this guy who would become my husband 2 years later. We had a son together and things were okay until I realized I didn’t really know him like I thought I knew him but not in a bad way as far as behavior. But that’s what happens when you’re dating someone that’s only home for ten days a month. He was not developed enough for my growth and speed on manhood. I soon realized after we were married that I wasn’t happy and made a mistake. Honestly, I did it to make my parents happy since the first grandchild was born out of wedlock and in my family that’s like ...don’t get me started..so whatever. Anyhow. My husband looked great on paper: educated, handsome, nice job, gentleman. So everyone loved him and he also has a great personality. My exe who I knew where my heart was at but thought maybe I had tricked myself into that since he was my first love and everything. So when he got incarcerated and I moved on and got married and pregnant. I just knew coparenting would only be in our future with our teenager. Fast forward, my husband and I end up separating because after our first year of marriage he completely became lazy and did not contribute to the house financially anymore....like at all except for maybe fifty dollars worth of groceries twice. I finally had enough after 2 years of no contribution and being taken for granted in other areas as well. Plus, I was not about to let the 2 young men I’m raising think it’s acceptable for the woman to do everything while the man does nothing but sit on the couch and take out the trash...not on my watch. So I filed for divorce. Matter of fact, would have done it sooner if I wasn’t listening to people saying “be patient” or “give him some time”. Fast forward, my oldest son’s dad is released and it’s literally like we pick up like nothing happened. He’s more mature now and moving and talking differently. Not the 20 something street man but now the 40 something family man. We started taking things slowly and he’s literally accepted me and of course the new addition and wants to be in a relationship with me. He says he understands no one is perfect but he wouldn’t want to spend his life with anyone else. Ladies, this man literally caters to me. He has his own business and says I don’t have to work if I don’t want to. Brings me coffee every morning before he heads out. Interacts with the kids his and nonbiological. Worships the ground I walk on. Sometimes I don’t feel like I deserve him after what happened but at the same time we’re both so happy. My family isn’t happy of course because who would want their daughter with a convicted felon right but he makes me so happy and I was so miserable with the clean cut looks great on paper guy. I mean we had our fun times but I feel so safe, secured and whole where I am now. He wants to get married and have another baby. He says since he’s done with the street life he’ll be around for this one for all milestones and growth. Crazy part is 18 years later and I still have my engagement ring.