I’m finally trying to take my mind back!


Hello everyone, I have been suffering from anxiety and depression for about 3 years now. This caused me to have mood swings. I’ve been perscribed Zoloft. I had recently got in a relationship in June. Still together and very close. We live together. Recently I decided it’s time to fight it back instead of depending on pills every day. I’ve had 2 episodes since off my medicine. The first one he was there and held me and talked to me until I calmed down. The other one was last night. He doesn’t suffer w this and I want him to understand what happens when I go through episodes. But I think when I explain it I sound crazy as hell to him lol. I told my mom if I didn’t have him I probably wouldn’t have ever tried to get off of my medicine. Because he goes out all the time w his friends and tbh I don’t have friends and most of the time don’t even feel like going out. Any suggestions on how to best deal with these episodes or how to explain things like this to my boyfriend so that he would understand better.