Gone testing crazy


I tested since at least 5 DPO KNOWING I wouldn’t get the result I’ve been praying and hoping for! AF is due tomorrow and I tested around 3:30 am still BFN. Tested so much this cycle it don’t make no sense. My boyfriend insisted we tried geritol because he believe the myth and actually conceived his Junior with these multivitamins.. So I said why the hell not it wouldn’t hurt to try right? WRONG!!Unfortunately since taking the meds I’ve noticed little rashes around my ears I know it sounds weird but the only thing I can think of what’s causing it is the geritol. We been taking them for about a month now and this is the first month of me tracking my ovulation using the OPKs and we BD every other day and once I got the peak Indication on the Premom app. However with tracking this month I can say I believe Glow has been spot on with my ovulation days and we’ve been BD during my fertile period for months now. We’ve been together 3 years and we haven’t had one scare nor do we take preventative measures. So I’m starting to become a bit weary. I know we aren’t out until AF shows up but I just got that feeling she will be otw real soon! Especially not having that BFP as reassurance. Anybody else try the geritol wave? Any advice ladies?