How often during the week do you wash your hair?


I work 5/6 days a week, in a professional setting and I have to look sharp. I have fine blonde hair and it looks greasy to me on day 2. I wash my hair 5-7 days a week. My hair has never been longer than my shoulders, it just starts to break at that point. My mom’s hair is the same...

However, with my mom working from home with covid, she told me she only washes her hair about 1 or 2 times a week now and her hair has grown a full 6 inches longer. But... she is working from home and can look a hot mess without anyone knowing.

I really want to try and wash less but how do I keep it from looking so obviously unwashed?? I’ve tried every dry shampoo I can get my hands on and I just do think it works for my hair. How do you ladies who don’t wash often keep your hair looking fresh???

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