What do you think?

So I started seeing someone whos new to my city . I showed him a couple of my FAVORITE spots (I shoudnt have🤦🏽‍♀️)which I’m a REGULAR in and he really liked them.

Well he texted me asking me what I was upto didn’t really make a plan so we didn’t meet up but he did mention he was out at one of those places that I showed him with someone else.

Later that night he walks in to the other one, which I happened to be at.... he was with a date.

Now we are not exclusive so I’m not mad nor surprised he’s dating other people but.... like, knowing you’ll most likely run into me there, why not explore OTHER places with these other different women?

Anyways , so when they leave he says bye to me and about 30 minutes later he texted me “👀”, I didn’t reply especially because it was like 2am. (Which was also annoying but funny)

I don’t know how to feel about it. I’m not mad I’m just turned off if that makes sense.

How would u all feel?