Trying to end the toxicity.

So husband and child went back home due to a family emergency on his side. I live over 12 hours away and stayed home due to work. During this long stay, my husband was allowing my family to come get our child so they can spend time with him.

My mom and her husband came to pick up my child one day. While picking my child up, my husband and his family said they could smell weed heavily on them.

I don’t have a problem with people who smoke weed. I know my mom’s husband occasionally does and the state they live in, it’s legal.

I just don’t want it around my child. My mom has made some really shitty decisions in the past and isn’t the most attentive person. So I was angry at my husband for letting them take my child while smelling like that but he said he didn’t think they were actually high. I called and asked my siblings who were meeting them; what they thought and if they noticed anything, to bring my child home with them. Well the night went well and they smelt it on them also but also didn’t think they were high. After my child was dropped back off to my husband, my mom called me tell me how the night went.

I honestly just wanted to talk about it, I wasn’t mad but I just wanted her to know that if he was high/or had it on him. To please resist next time they plan to have my child.

I calmly approached the situation, I had no attentions of fighting. I asked her if he had it on him and she automatically started getting offensive and literally two minutes in the conversation, she is screaming at me, calling me names, and etc.

Anytime I have ever tried to have a civil conversation with her about anything she did / someone she is with/ etc. She has always blown up on me and started screaming and honestly just being plain toxic.

This time around, she called me a bitch, said I acted like I’m too good, that I acted like I am a better mother and the list goes on. I honestly feel like it’s stuff she has had built up and finally was able to let it out. I have strived so hard to not have the shitty life I had as a child and since I have started doing good for myself and not struggling. It’s like my mom resents me or something.

Anyways, my husband’s family emergency has resulted in me needing to come home and I will be home next week. My family wants to get together but I honestly don’t want to be around or talk to my mom. I am starting to feel a little bad because I know that this is probably going to be the only time that she can see my child or I till fall. I’m not angry but I am just tired of her toxicity. I have also constantly forgiven my mom for her actions which I feel like is why she thinks she can act the way she does.

Any advice / recommendations on how to handle a situation like this?