Not what we agreed

My fiancé and I have a 4 month old together. He cant hold a job down and I have a full time job that pays well enough that we can get by. But I’ll end up working long hours once I get off maternity leave.

Right now he’s trying to learn how to code and hopefully turn that into a career. He takes a lot of breaks to play games and unwind.

Of course since he’s broke, I pay for everything. I’ll be buying us a house in the future. I’ll be buying everything. So we had an agreement. He’d be a stay at home dad with our baby. He’d look after her and the house.

Except I’m looking after the house the whole time. I do all the chores. I do the washing, the laundry, cleaning the baby bottles (he’s the only one who uses them too), I take out the garbage, I sweep, I wipe the surfaces, clean the bathroom. You get the idea.

I cook half the dinners and always clean up after because he got grumpy at me not doing it once.

He looks after the baby when I get overwhelmed which is awesome and I love him for that. He lets me take breaks.

But half the time I come out and he’s just watching tv with the baby and not playing with her.

I’m dreading going back to work because what happens then? I go and earn the money, I come home to a house full of chores to do, I’m too tired to talk to my baby, so I just go to bed?

And I dont want to bring any of this up because he’s got depression (so do I).

It’s just that. We agreed if he didn’t have an income, he’d look after the baby and the house. It’d save us money on daycare and a cleaner. Because that is real work. A lot of work.

But I’m doing all of it so far.