No chances of pregnancy- NORMAL CM?

Hi, I’m on my fertile window so my cm is really heavy and I spot while fertile. I say I can’t be pregnant because I had sex and the condom broke just a bit but my boyfriend immediately took it out because we both noticed in that instant (he didn’t cum or had precum) and I wasn’t fertile, then two days after I got my period, normal length and abudant flow. Then again on February 14 while I was on my 4th day of period we had protected sex and he didn’t finish, we checked the condom for leaks or holes but it worked perfectly. I’m now on my third day of fertile window but this came out, is it a uterine lining or normal ovulation cm (take in consideration what I said before, I spot when fertile)

I would like to add, according to my gyn, I may have endometriosis. I’m sorry for the TMI pic