
So I started talking to this guy on tinder and everything was great. We have a lot in common, he’s very respectful, he constantly asks if I’m comfortable and asks for my input. As we started talking we both agreed that we just want something casual because we’re both not ready for anything serious. When we met up in person, it was great. We hung out, watched tv together, cuddled and eventually had sex. I stayed the night by accident but he assured me that it was ok and that he preferred me staying over and leaving in the morning because it was safer than driving home at night anyways. We hung out again the following night. This time, I brought home made brownies and he brought me dinner from the restaurant he works at. We are, talked, watched tv, cuddles, have eachother massages and had more sex. That time I actually went home instead of staying the night. I genuinely enjoy hanging out with him and spending time with him but I found that I became jealous when he was still editing his tinder bio (meaning he still uses the app). I never brought it up to him because I don’t want to scare him away, but I like what we have and I wish it were more exclusive. I still don’t want to call him my bf or anything but idk. We officially labeled ourselves as fwb and this is my first time in this kind of relationship. Is it wrong for me to want to hang out with him more often even though he says he loves hanging out with me too? Will I scare him away by asking for rules and stuff? I like what we have but I just have no idea where this is going? I also fear i am being too attached and he’s just trying to be nice? Am I getting too attached? Is it wrong to ask if we could be exclusive? How do I go about everything ?

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Basically you’re there to fulfill his sexual needs and to help him not be lonely. You’re not the one which is why he updated his bio and is still “searching” on tinder, he’s still looking for his one while you fulfill his needs.


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Say something. If he’s not on the same page, on to the next person. Don’t agree to casual in the future if you are potentially hoping for more. You can date someone without being exclusive to see how it goes before committing to titles or calling it off. You did yourself a disservice by agreeing to fwb from the start


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I would suggest to him to be open with you. Since the fact that you two are having sex will make it easy. You are looking out for yourself. If he’s sleeping around you should know because of the risk of sti/std. I wouldn’t be letting anyone put anything in me unless I know where it’s been(willingly of course). So I would put it like that. “We are fwb but I want to know where we stand for my own health.” If he can’t respect that then you have a serious problem.


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I think it all depends on how long you’ve been talking, and you just met. I would just keep going with the flow and see where you end up if you’re enjoying your time together and both agreed to be fwb. If after awhile you decide that’s really not what you want just tell him