Am I wrong for not interacting with my family?

I’ve been separated from my husband for 6 months. Since then, the interaction with my family has been very limited. For many reasons, I don’t feel compelled to speak to or see them as much as I used to. I’m very content and at peace when it’s just me and my son. I could be vulnerable, and I don’t feel judged for the way that I am in this moment. I don’t have anyone telling me how to feel or what they think my priorities should be. I’ve already explained to them my situation, but it’s clear they don’t understand.

I have a favorite cousin. She’s been pretty good at respecting my space. She asked me to go to the park with her tomorrow and I said yes because I felt pressured by my mom who keeps telling me I need to go out. I really don’t care to. Now I’m being told I’m selfish. I’m trying to manage my life and I have so much on my plate that my social life is my last priority. I get asked when I’m gonna stop being like this and I genuinely don’t know.

Am I going about things the wrong way?

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