
I have a son who will be 2 years old next month. I used to be on anxiety medication but stopped once I found out I was pregnant with my second baby. I am 18 weeks now and think I found a trigger for my anxiety. It’s not bad, meaning I can still manage when I have the attacks. It’s not full blown debilitating or anything so I guess maybe could just be a hormonal thing but still feels like small amount of my old panic attacks.. anyway my son sleeps in bed with me which honestly I think is more for myself then for him. Usually he goes to stay with my mom one night a week and I’ve noticed a pattern that when he’s gone I’m anxious and have these small attacks. I don’t honestly know what I’m asking but just kind of in the middle of an “episode” right now and I guess just wanting to hear that I’m not alone? How am I going to handle him growing up if I can’t even handle him being 15 minutes away sleeping at my moms house for the night when he’s almost 2. I just worry about him like I’m not doing what I should be doing for him. Like I should be there for him, like he needs me and that’s not true. I know he’s absolutely fine so what’s my problem..