Braxton Hicks


I had to go into L&D today for a NST to check on the baby. I was having some contractions and very uncomfortable. This is my first baby so I had no idea what to expect. But I’m not dilated or anything so they’re not concerned obviously. Baby’s heart rate was high for awhile so I had to stay until he settled. Now I’m pretty sure I’ll be getting one weekly.

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I had an NST today as well that showed some small contractions and now have to go every week for one. Trying to stay off my feet more but that's hard with 2 little ones 😕


Marissa • Feb 25, 2021
Yesss completely agree!! They gotta cook a little bit more 😊


Je • Feb 25, 2021
Weekly appointments were starting soon anyway I guess. Just doing it earlier than planned! Need to keep those babies in there a little longer!


Marissa • Feb 25, 2021
Yeah I’m scheduled for one next week and knowing my doctor she will probably make me go weekly as well. It’s getting so hard now as we get further along 😩 good luck to you mama!