My boss has cancer

My boss has cancer. She was told her cancer had returned in December by her family practitioner. She goes to the closest hospital around and they do bloodwork. That is when they say that her tests came back relatively normal and it’s unlikely she has cancer. She’s been having a feud with her insurance company so her appointments were canceled. A week ago she was having severe leg pain and they took her to the hospital. She has been in there a week with nearly no help whatsoever. It took them two days to test and say that she actually did have cancer and her counts were actually messed up. And today when her fiancé went to visit he found her in so much pain she was crying. Here’s the thing about my boss, that woman is TOUGH. I’ve watched her go through some serious bs and she stood strong. I’ve watched her go through pain and everything. Not a single tear. But today, she was bawling her eyes out and begging him not to leave her there alone. Sound fishy? Well, he asks the doctors what the hell theyre doing and the doctor literally told him that they were just “putting a bandaid on it” until her appointment that’s a over week away. He is working and trying his very hardest to get her out of there and move her close to where his family lives.

The main reason for posting this, is clearly because I’m upset and angry by how cruel they are being. But I also want to ask y’all if you have had any similar situations and how you handled them. I desperately want to help in some type of way I’m truly lost on this. I’m only 20 years old, and I don’t have much experience when it comes to this thing. I do however remember my grandfather sick after having his gallbladder removed and them somehow missing something and allowing waste to enter his body resulting in him ending up in the ER half dead.

The hospital is a HELL hole. Everyone around our area calls them “Death Valley” if y’all could please leave suggestions below I would very very much appreciate it. I’m trying to help her fiancé out as much as possible. Whether it’s something I could do to help them out or something I could suggest to him, I would really appreciate it. Thank you so so much.