Miscarriage with baby #2 - experiences?


I have a happy & healthy almost 2 year old boy who was delivered by c section. I found out I was pregnant with baby #2 January 28 and we were over the moon excited as we had been trying. Things seemed to be going good, I had some morning sickness and other typical pregnancy symptoms. I went for my first ultrasound at 9w1d. All they could see was a sac measuring 7w1d, said it could still be early or id conceived later than I thought I did and to come back in two weeks. In the meantime I had blood work done to check my hcg levels. They had dropped so I was ultimately prepared for what was to come. My second ultrasound they saw the exact same thing. Just the sac and it was sitting reaaally low pretty much right on my cervix and that I’d probably start bleeding in a few days to a week. Exactly 6 days later it started. My dr called me a few days after my ultrasound to explain it further and said basically there was never enough genetic material for a baby to even be formed and that it was most likely a bad mix between my husband and I. Meaning either a bad egg or sperm or both.

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone has experienced this before?

And what was the bleeding like for you?

I’m on day two and it’s more like heavier spotting/extremely light period. I’ve had cramps/back pain and a few clots but they’ve been no bigger than the tip of a ball point pen.