Frengreek for breast growth

Ajaa • Romell's Mama (3 year old) 🤞🏾😍 Ryan Wife for (4 years) 🤞🏾😍 👶🏾 Aubriel's Mama (newborn)

I started taking frengreek March 19th. I am starting to notice (only 1 breast my left breast) is the only one growing and getting firmer. I only breastfeed both my kids for a month. My right breast hasn't grown at all my breats looks lumpsided. When I breastfeed both of my kids they only wanted to suck from the right breast.

As of yesterday I stopped taking frengreek. They honestly look like (Oo) and I'm a, b cup. Why is my right breast not growing. It looks basically deflated.