Long story, -advice appreciated


This is a very long story so apologies in advance but any advice would be really appreciated!

Me and my partner have been together just shy of nine years, we’ve been through a lot together and he is a good person but over the past year maybe year and a half I feel like he’s changed so much - he’s so laid back about everything and always has been and has always kind of brushed off any commitment, we moved in together about 4 years ago, and got engaged in 2019 but he’s not particularly interested in any of that stuff I kind of feel like I have to badger him to commit to anything really - over the past year a lot has happened in our relationship and he just will not communicate with me about his feelings, he started to become quite mean, snappy and unhappy a lot of the time, I constantly ask him if he’s ok, if there is anything that I have done and try and reassure him that I am there for him through anything he needs me for but he just is not interested, around 3 months ago we had quite a big argument and I was completely ready to throw in the towel due to his lack of affection and his complacency in our relationship I just felt completely unloved and not good enough for him, anyway he cried and promised me he would try harder, and he did for about two weeks and now it’s just exactly the same again, we are barley ever intimate he rarely wants to show me any affection and it’s devastating to me because I feel like I put 100% into this relationship, try not to get on at him because he’s been through a lot but whenever I try and speak to him about it he just feels as though he’s not done anything wrong - I love him more than anything, he is my person, the only person I can see myself having a future with but also I feel as though I am unhappy and constantly bashing my head against a brick wall when it comes to trying to communicate with him. I now don’t know what to do and feel as though my only option is to walk away from the man I love because I don’t know how to deal with his lack of communication in our relationship, does anyone have any advice, or ways of getting our communication better, thanks guys ❤️