I think my bf is using.


I’m started noticing since February that he’s been going out every weekend . He tattoos so he will tattoo at someone’s house then drink and come home super late or the next morning. There was twice where he was so aggressive with me . The first time he was coming home from his coworkers house and he sounded off/drunk on his way home and when he got home I told him I could drive him to his friends house that we had got invited to and he told me no that he wasn’t cheating and I stood quiet and told him I wasn’t talking about anything had to do with cheating then I loook into his eyes and his pupils are big. He left and screamed to the top of his lungs when I called him and told me to leave him alone. Then last week he was acting strange saw his pupils big and getting aggressive and left and once I picked him up around 3am down the street from our house he acted like nothing happened. Then he got aggressive with me when I started talking to him when we got home and said I could do a drug test on his and he’ll pass. Today I found a small little spoon under our couch where he had slept at last night. I confronted him about it and said it was a bottle opener I’m just so done with this. I tried to talk to him about it and said I don’t want to start since we have other problems as well. I’m just ready to leave for the sake of my daughter.

His birth mom was a drug addict and did drugs while she was pregnant with him. I just hope now he doesn’t throw his life away for the sake of my daughter. He always said he didn’t want to be nothing like her and now I feel like he is.

I’m ready to walk out and start over cause to me at this point he doesn’t care to hear what I have to say or feel.