Toddler talking gibberish/babbling

Is anyone else’s toddler “talking” through out the day but it’s just gibberish? I find it so cute but also a little worried. She says or at least tries to say probably around 15 of the same words regularly and attempts many others but she loves to just talk gibberish 90% of the time. She communicates really well by grabbing our hand and guiding us around the house, also by pointing at things and shaking her head no or yes. I can ask her where things are like her jacket, baby (doll), specific shoes, her cup, the cat, etc and she will go get the item or at least go looking for it or she will come tell me I don’t know by doing this exact motion 🤷🏻‍♀️. She has a doctors appointment Monday and I of course will discuss this with him but I’m just curious if anyone is in the same boat!