Family wants to see kids

How would you handle this?

We have two young kids and have been laying very low since the pandemic started. My husband and I don’t really go places unless we need to. We both work full time but we’re able to still have our kids home with us during the day. It’s very difficult to manage this but we’re making it. His family has started getting an attitude that they have yet to see the kids.

They got upset that we have taken them outdoors places masked up and have not invited them.

When we do take them out we’re very much following social distancing and cleaning hands. Plus we’re wanting to have quality time just with the kids and ourselves as we’ve been going to online counseling to strengthen our marriage.

We’ve seen his family on social media going to parties and traveling outside outside our town with no masks on around lots of people we don’t know.

I’m starting to get annoyed with their attitude. I bought my husband a portal for Christmas so they could see the kids and we have zoomed before but they act annoyed that they can’t figure out how to use it.

We’re waiting until we feel more sure about the vaccine but regardless of that- they would not be getting vaccinated anytime soon either so that’s not an option.

I’ve heard my husband discuss our joint sentiment with them and we talk about it together so I know we’re on the same page. I was thinking of how we could see them maybe sometime in the summer. On my side of the family I have vaccinated members who have been taking quarantine very seriously that want to visit in the next few months. His family will be extra mad if we see my family and not them. I haven’t even decided if we feel comfortable enough for that yet.

How would you navigate this? I’m kind of over being nice, should I be or am I overreacting?