Boyfriends mom?..

So my boyfriends father passed away last year. It was extremely hard on everybody and everyone is coping in their own ways. Of course I would expect nothing less of my boyfriends mom to become a little closer to her children, knowing they are the last living things she has of her husbands. However, some things have been happening lately that have been making me sort of uncomfortable.

Starting off, she calls him multiple times per day about absolutely anything. She started a new show, she’s driving downtown, etc. This doesn’t bother me too much, but it does sometimes get a little unnerving when him and I get disturbed on dates, in the shower, etc to hear about her day.

She also needs to see him every single day, and if he does not show up she will relentlessly call and ask why he didn’t come to see her, which he then feels pressured to go over. This again, doesn’t bother me overly, but it is difficult to never wake up with him beside me anymore because she demands he comes over and makes them coffee every morning.

The thing that has been bothering me the most, though, is the fact that there is no longer any boundaries between what they talk about. For example, I recently found out that they will often talk about our sex life and details that I am quite uncomfortable with her knowing. Though my boyfriends has no problem with letting her know what we do behind closed doors.

I’m trying my best to be empathetic towards them because I understand why they feel the need to be closer. But I can’t help but feel a little bit upset and awkward at times.

I don’t know what to do. When I bring it up he just gets mad at me. I’m really lost here.