Hcg levels 4 weeks after MC

Kristi • 30 • from NJ • Registered Nurse 🩺 • dog mom 🐶 • 2 angel babies 👼👼 • 🌈 Rainbow baby boy, Caiden - arrived 10/4/2022 👶🏻

So I had a MC on April 13th (everything came out from what I could tell). Hcg levels were 5985 a few days later when I was seen by my obgyn. A week later my levels were at 603. I waited two weeks and then got another level checked yesterday, 5/10. It came back at 79. All last week I had a small amount of brown/pink spotting and then regular period like amount of red blood for the last two days. It seems to be slowing a lot today. I feel like there might be something retained keeping my hcg level from dropping altogether. There were no clots with this bleeding so I’m nervous that if there is, it still didn’t come out. I’m calling my OB today to see if I can get an ultrasound to confirm that everything had passed. I’m so afraid of needing a d&c and I would much rather try it al the natural way 😩😩 this has been the most drawn out process and I’m so over it!!! Feedback anyone? Help please!!