Losing it 😭😭😭

I have a 29 day cycle and for some reason my period came 4 days early. We were so hoping this was our month as I was a lot calmer and my husband had made several changes to improve his counts.That has never ever happened. I have never started outside my actually day.

My period is on point to the T. I feel like each month a piece of my heart is breaking. I am trying to hard to hold on... in my situation it’s a male factor issue. My spouse started medicine almost two months ago and we won’t know if anything helped until July. A piece of me keeps hoping that the one sperm we need will implant before July. I am trying to hold on and wait but every month my period comes just feels like a failure. I don’t want to tell my husband how I feel because I know it’s hurting him we are struggling. I just feel like my faith is at it’s all time lowest. Cannot see god plan especially when he feels so silent in this storm. Everyone keep telling me perfect timing, it will happen when it’s suppose to but it’s hard. It’s hard because my desire grows stronger every month and yet it’s a period. I have lost myself so much jn this journey and it’s hard to believe at times when god feels so far.