Feeling extremely hurt by my fiancé’s reaction to his birthday gift

To preface for Christmas I got him knife making stuff because he’s mentioned making them in the past. For our anniversary we discussed no big presents because we were both out of work currently. I was seriously struggling to come up with a birthday gift for his 30th. I decided on a solo stove which is basically a smokeless bonfire in a fire pit. I had no other ideas and thought maybe this would be a nice gift that could be enjoyed during the summer and might give him a chance to relax(he’s super busy all the time)

I let him know it was arriving today and to let me grab his gift(he typically brings in the packages) because they couldn’t conceal what it was so I didn’t want to spoil it. The whole day we kept joking about what it could be. I ordered one of those giant gift bags and put it in that but it barely fit. He helped me move it inside when that was covering it because he needed the garage where it previously was.

He basically told me that we agreed on no big gifts(I was under the impression he meant price point not size) and kept going on about how he has no room for a large gift. His last comment was “oh and I’d stop with the knife making stuff”

I was already second guessing the gift and these comments just make me want to not even gift it to him. He came in after like 10 minutes and had a change of tune basically acting like he previously had with guessing the gift but didn’t mention his previous behavior or apologize.