Buttoning in

How do you feel about other people butting in and having opinions, comments about your relationship with you and your boyfriend and you have a problem with it but your boyfriend is ok with it and said that it comes with dating someone you see he thinks that cause we live under his peoples roof that they need to be part of the relationship including our problems, arguments, sex life etc but I think that it’s no ones business but ours am I right/wrong or is he right/wrong first he said that no one has a right to say anything in our relationship and now it’s completely different he says I have to respect and not disrespect his people but I try to get him to understand and realize that I feel disrespected when everyone has a comment or had something to say about our relationship and his brother is like super nosy and annoying if it’s not his people it’s his homeboys that is involved he doesn’t understand how I feel about it and when I try to explain myself he says I’m being ungrateful or I’m trippin and that it comes with being in a relationship and that I’m selfish like one time I wrecked the car but it’s still drive-able and his friend said that if we get a new car that he shouldn’t let me drive it cuz of what happened to the car and he didn’t nor does defend me and his mom didn’t say anything or defend me either talking bout she likes me and does shit like that and he expects me to be ok and still talk and be nice and not feel this way and pretend that I’m fine with his mom and what that guy said and I should get over it and talk to the guy but I don’t even want to talk to him do you think I’m Exaggerating of do I have every right to feel this way towards his mom and guy friend also bod brother is always listening, eavesdropping and telling his parents when me and him get into an argument I just can’t be in the same roof as his people with no privacy is that wrong that I want privacy and my own space and not have people butt in my relationship