I struggle


I admit that I struggle with being a stay at home mom. It’s hard in me mentally and physically. Between a baby with nap strikes and a toddler who doesn’t want to poop, it’s hard. I still can’t find the balance between baby and toddler and self care. Not only do I take care of my kids, I have to take care of myself, and I am not healthy. My house is embarrassing. Everything is dirty. I just haven’t found that balance yet and I feel like I won’t for a few years. Raising children is not easy but it is rewarding.

I get to hear silly stories from my 2year old and my 4 month old is a snuggle bug. It makes me so happy to know that I have these little boys to love ❤️ and sometimes they love me too. To know that my boys are learning and growing because of me makes me not only proud of them but myself for being there.

It’s tough being a stay at home mom but one day are babies will be independent and won’t need us as much, so I’m choosing to cherish the struggle.