Fuck PCOS it won😭

I can’t do this anymore. I feel like I have nothing to live for, every month gets harder and harder. I’m on metformin and inositol I don’t understand why it’s not working🤧 all I ever do is cry. I’m in such a deep depression everyday is like walking on eggshells. I don’t know what to do anymore we’ve tried everything naturally we can I’m officially over TTC. Everyone reminds me of how young I am and that I still have time... Why not now? Why can’t my time be now? I’m 22 and I’m at the age most of my friends are on their 2nd even 3rd kids. I feel so left out. I’ve lost legit most of my friends besides 1 because they all got pregnant around the same time and I don’t fit in with the “mommy group’ I was really hoping to get a positive by now, I feel lower than dirt. All I wanted was to make my man a daddy this Father’s Day. Nope. Back to the pain I know so well.