Getting married but already have kids together

So I've always wanted a wedding, but as life happens, I was unable to afford one, we got pregnant, concentrated on taking care of our son, then I got pregnant a second time and that's when my now finacé proposed. Now that we're more financially stable we want to plan a small wedding. But I feel like people are trying to talk me out of it. I keep getting "why even bother getting married? You already have kids together?" Or "what's the point? You're basically married, just have a court wedding." I feel like if I plan something no one is gonna care enough to even show up because a wedding with kids they think was not done "the right way" but I feel regardless of how a family came to be, a woman deserves a wedding. That's her special day and I think it's wrong for people to convince her otherwise. So my question is, has anyone here gotten married, with a wedding already having kids?