Daycare complaining about son’s behavior

Here are some of the complaints:

-does not want to sit at the table for the duration of lunch, he gets up often to run around the room instead. I informed the teacher that he’s currently receiving feeding therapy and asked if the expectation is that he sit at the table until the other kids are done, her answer was yes

-does not want to sit for the duration of circle time, he gets up to run around then joins the group again

-hits the table, stomps his feet, yells, or sometimes hits others when he’s angry

-gets louder in loud situations…whatever that means 🙄

-is very impulsive

I really don’t want to be one of those moms who makes excuses for her kid’s bad behavior, but he’s 2!!! Plus, isn’t the point of “school” so that they can teach him how to handle those procedures, emotions, etc? I rarely see those behaviors at home and definitely correct him when he misbehaves, nobody else has ever complained about him since he started daycare, and our pediatrician, OT, family & friends have all commented on how well-behaved he usually is.

She went as far as suggesting we get someone from birth-3 to observe him in the classroom. I’m definitely looking for another daycare because this one isn’t a good fit, but do any of these behaviors sound abnormal for a 2 year old? Should I be concerned?