Rough day

Jennifer • 💗👶🏻October 9, 2019💗 || 💙👶🏻July 27, 2021💙

Anyone else having a hard day today? My toddler woke up in a horrible mood this morning and cried nonstop until I dropped her off at daycare. Then work was super frustrating and people were really testing my patience. I’m also 37 weeks pregnant and have a very short fuse (aka over everyone’s bullshit). I went to the grocery store on lunch, which took every ounce of my energy and had Braxton Hicks the whole time. I came home, worked some more, made dinner, and picked up my toddler, who didn’t want to leave daycare and cried the whole ride home. My husband had to work late so it was all on me until he got home. I finally get dinner ready, she takes one bite and says “Up! All done!” My husband got home and took her for a walk outside. We still have to give her a bath and get her ready for bed. Then I have to start the daycare prep. Meanwhile, my unborn son is killing me from the inside and it’s super painful when he moves/kicks. I’m so done with today! 😭