How would you feel?

I’m feeling very hurt and upset because I recently got engaged…. Sounds ridiculous right? Well my SO proposed to me after making me breakfast in bed with our two sons. I was so happy. Fast forward to a few days later. My mom brings up that my 18 yr old sister was a lil disappointed because originally my SO was going to do it over dinner with my family. He ended up not doing it because my family was all scattered that day. My sister was out with a friend. My dad was asking where we eating and my mom was acting surprised he was still doing the proposal because his parents couldn’t make it. But he had said we were still going out. Then I guess she made a comment about how he should have made it romantic blah blah. It was her negativity that led him to have anxiety and decided not to do it. Anyways…..As I was trying to explain that my lil sis shouldn’t feel bad because it was just an intimate proposal, my mother goes on about how he was supposed to do it with all of them. That she offered to make dinner and take it to his parents. She kept going on and on and how he was “supposed to” do it with all of them thereNow I started to tell her that I guess he changed his mind and that he was supposed to do anything. (Cuz yes at that point I was annoyed she was really complaining to me on how I was proposed to) So get this… she comes up behind me and kinda whispers in my ear “he could eat shit and you’d still defend him”

This left me in shocked and as she walked away she was like “ oh and you go run and tell him what I said like you always do”

I am dumbfounded guys. How can my own mother make MY proposal about her. I spoke to my sister and she said yeah she was disappointed but she realized it wasn’t about her. It was supposed to be about me and my SO. Like wow! How can my 18yo sister come to that conclusion and not my 58 yo mother?

It’s been 3 days and she still hasn’t apologized although she full well know I’m still mad at her. I’m ready to just lay it all out for her as to why I’m upset because this is so much more than just ruining how I feel when I think about my proposal. Even my SO believes she has this resentment towards me even tho ive always been good to her. But that’s an even longer story. So how would you feel if your own mother said something like this about one of the happiest days of your life?

Edit: my mom made that comment because she always thinks she’s right and gets mad when I “defend him” ie: she complains that he doesn’t take our son out and I’ll say well he works 9 1/2 a day 6 days a week and commutes 4 hrs so he’s tired. Or she’ll complain that he didn’t put car in and I’ll say how can he put car in if everyone isn’t home and he leaves at 130am. Stupid stuff like that I “defend him”


Lol the park thing was just a for example because it’s not when SHE says he should. He takes our son out on his day off and stays up late to make sure he spends a little time each day with him before he goes to sleep. I think you’re stuck on my SO rather than the fact my mom could have just spoke to him instead of complaining to me about my proposal