Bfp 9 months of trying after losing my angel at 9 days old πŸ˜­πŸ‘ΌπŸ»πŸŒˆ

Kayla β€’ Wife & mama raising two babes with my angel baby Ada in heaven. ✨ 10/3/2020 Rest In Peace my beautiful baby girl. πŸ’–

Hi everyone 😊 to all who are here..congratulations, mama πŸ’— your baby has picked you to be their mama for a special reason. πŸ’—

I wanted to post my line progression from the last 2 days. After losing my baby girl at 9 days old πŸ’” to having a mc and a chemical we finally have our rainbow baby. I can’t help but to stress over the fact that the line isn’t getting as dark as my last pregnancies (I have 2 living children πŸ’—) I am 4-5 weeks and not really experiencing many symptoms just fatigue!! Anyone else have similar looking tests?