TW: talk of child death

So I am currently 9 months pregnant and my husband and I just moved into a new home. After weeks of packing and unpacking we are finally settled in and babies nursery is all set to go. I was very excited about our new place until I talked to my neighbor who shared some sad news with me. The family who lived here before us had a one year old baby who died in the house of natural causes. My heart instantly broke for the family but at the same the news suddenly made me feel very uncomfortable living here and honestly makes me contemplate moving. I’ve never believed in ghosts/spirits or anything like that but I just I feel very anxious to bring my baby home now 😔also im upset that this is information wasnt disclosed to me prior to moving in. I know I may sound paranoid but idk what to do. Has anyone else experience anything similar to this? Or have any words of encouragement to share? 😓😓