D&C or Pill?


I found out I was pregnant had an ultrasound at 5 weeks and 6 weeks. Two weeks ago my ultrasound showed baby measuring 6 weeks with a heartbeat of 115. They wanted me to come back two weeks later at 8 weeks to make sure it would be 120+. Went in yesterday and no heartbeat. This is my 2nd MC but knowing that baby had a heartbeat 2 weeks ago makes it more difficult. I don’t have any miscarriage symptoms my body still thinks its pregnant morning sickness etc.

Im torn between taking the pill and having a D&C. My first MC was natural and traumatic I personally don’t want to have weeks of bleeding and the thought that my baby is inside me still makes me sick. Has anyone had a D&C or the pill I’m trying to decide what to do. What are the pros and cons of both? I’ve heard the pill doesn’t work well is this true for you? Do they put you to sleep for a D&C? Also if you’ve had a silent MC was lightheadedness really bad? I’m not bleeding so I’m not understanding why I’m so lightheaded but I can barely walk without feeling like I’ll pass out.